We Hear You... Мы Вас Слышим
We Hear You... Мы Вас Слышим
This site offers many examples of early Russian protests in the face of Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine. It was inspired by the observation that Americans need a firmer grasp of the character and extent of resistance within Russia than US media has provided. It was associated with a second motive—that of assuring Russians who oppose the war that we recognize their protest as well as our shared values and aspirations. This second effort took the form of a letter addressed to the Russian signatories of the many letters of protest included here. Our letter (along with its own signatories) is included here. It has been circulated to Russians via friends and associates and can be accessed at https://www.slyshimvas.com and via the QR Code given below.
Visitors are encouraged to add their own names and can do so at a page provided here for that purpose. On display at the site are the early open letters of protest, personal reactions gathered by Meduza, a summary of the letters and reactions, and the original sites from where the material was sourced. An essay, From Russia in Protest provides an overview and summary of much of the material on display here.
This site is the work of many hands. John Francis and Elaine Fultz did much of the original research, Julija Kulneva contributed her expertise as webmaster as well as her knowledge of facts on the ground in Russia. Barry Rubin and Harald Hille, old friends from the Yale Russian Chorus, contributed text and guidance in the discovery of material. Henry Aaron and Marvin Kalb, both with Brookings, contributed wisdom, editorial talents, associations, and warmly valued encouragement.
Questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome and can be addressed to John Francis.
Thank you for your attention and for visiting,
John Francis